"Detective Conan" is my ultimate beloved Anime!

Detective Conan is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series is serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since February 2, 1994, and has been collected in 73 tankōbon volumes as of September 2011. Due to legal considerations with the name Detective Conan, the English language release was renamed Case Closed. The story follows the adventures of Jimmy Kudo, a prodigious young detective who was inadvertently transformed into a child after being poisoned.

Jimmy Kudo is a 17-year-old high school prodigy who frequently helps the police in solving cases.During an investigation, he is attacked by two criminals, codenamed Gin and Vodka, from the syndicate called the Black Organization. They force him to ingest an experimental poison, APTX 4869, which is supposed to kill him, and leave him to die. A rare side-effect of the poison, however, transforms Kudo's body into that of a child instead of killing him.

Shinichi Kudo

Main character of the series. He was shrunk into a child after being forced to take a poison, called APTX 4869, created by the Black Organization.

Conan Edogawa

"Child" version of Shinichi. He's after the Black Organization to regain his original body. The show follows his journey and the different cases he encounters along the way.

Ran Mouri

Shinichi's childhood friend, and main love interest. She doesn't know Conan's real identity. She's the one taking care of him along with her dad, Kogoro.

and of course Shinichi and Ran are my most favorite anime love team.

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